Monday, September 30, 2024

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for September 29

Do your spankings include an element of embarrassment?

CEM: I'm sure some of them have indeed felt embarrassed during a spanking...if I do it right. :) 

Mija: Better question - Have I ever *not* felt embarrassed during a spanking?

Embarrassment (safe embarrassment) is definitely a central part of the kink for me. It adds to the sense of trust. That said, the time we thought we were alone only to find a family, including a dog, walking by after Paul finished was probably the most embarrassing thing that's ever going to happen. 

Rosco: Well, let’s see.

I delivered a spanking, actually three short spankings a few minutes apart, when I was thirteen to a girl I’d met at the beach. We weren’t far from the older kids at the bonfire and I kept the spankings short because I was afraid the older kids at the bonfire would notice and ridicule me. The girl I was spanking was clearly into it in retrospect, but I was totally unprepared for the situation and the opportunity.

When I was 16, I asked a girl to spank me. She did not respond well and I was embarrassed.

When I was 23, I spanked a girlfriend for no reason. I just couldn’t resist. Her bottom just seemed to need it. But She said “I don’t think I like that”, and I was embarrassed. She told some friends who teased me good naturedly, which made me feel a bit better.

My wife Irene said she no interest in being spanked but she’d be happy to spank me. It’s always role play with lecture and theoretical embarrassment. We’ve never been caught, but a few folks have seen our Implements and seem to know.

Roz: I have felt embarrassed on occasion, or perhaps more accurately uncomfortable. Mainly if I have been caught by surprise by the spanking and don't feel prepared enough for it eg clothes, underwear etc.

FL: There's the embarrassment that's integral to the spanking role play (good) and the embarrassment of things like being discovered by others (not so good). I'm happy to say I've had the former and never the latter.
In my younger years, I was quite afraid of being found out a spanko and trusting someone enough to share it was huge. Now I hardly care at all and doubt anyone else would either.

Luvinhub: I had the general embarrassment of having to be over my wife's lap and being spanked by my wife. I would say it was more so in the early days of our WLM. There were a couple times where the spanking was loud and so was I that I was embarrassed that someone might have heard. One was in our house and the other in a hotel. The fantasy in me thinks that I would "enjoy" the embarrassment of being witnessed in person or someone finding out (overheard a spanking, was told that I was a spanked husband...)

Jack: It's part of the punishment, my wife/mommy reminds me. 

KDPierre: Yes, since I have been the recipient of actual punishment spankings from several different people for a multitude of reasons over the years...with some of them being witnessed, and others having been clearly heard by members of our household, it would be very hard to have NOT felt some embarrassment at times. Also, those in my life who have/had disciplinary authority never seemed shy to scold or send me off for a spanking when others were present, and as cool as that sounds in "fantasyland" let me tell you it's a different story when it actually happens. >blush<

Dan: I don't think I've been embarrassed by a spanking itself but, as KD mentions, a serious scolding can be embarrassing and humbling.

Prefectdt: Well, there has been all those unexpected farts, over the years :) Plenty of unplanned expletives, that I did not intend to utter. There was that time when someone spent a good five minutes telling me about her wonderful paddle, that someone had carried from the USA for her (in pre- internet days) just for it to split on my butt, on the first swat. I am sure that there are a lot more times too. But I cannot remember them all right now. 

Wendel: We like outdoor spanking. There is always the chance of getting caught so there really is no real embarrassment for us outdoors or inside. 

Barrel: How about embarrassment before a spanking? My wife will require me to put on panties or hose then go out to lunch before a session. She will talk openly and out loud what implements she intends to use, how many strokes she will deliver and how hard she will whip me. I don’t know if the nearby tables can hear what she is saying but probably. When we get home she will begin to undress me and “discover” what I am wearing, telling me how cute I look. Then it is into the restraints.  

Bonnie: Yes, definitely. For some spanking scenarios, embarrassment is part of the experience.

Just to make sure, Randy sometimes reinforces the message by asking me, questions like, "Aren't you embarrassed to get another spanking over my lap like a bad girl?" I reply in the affirmative.

Rosco: Responding to KDPierre and Barrel:

KD - our spankings are all role play not real punishment so presence of a third party would fulfill not ruin a fantasy I think.

Barrel - we’ve done that too - I’ve gone to lunch in panties, or sometimes done errands or housework, been teased and threatened, restrained then spanked - all wonderful foreplay

Hermione: There's always a feeling of embarrassment at having to bare my bottom then bend over. As KDPierre said, my fantasy of being scolded and spanked by a third party or with a third party watching would be a definite turn-off in real life.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #559


Once again, the weekend is here, and that means another spanko brunch. Spanking is such complex activity, causing many thoughts and emotions run through our heads before, during and after the event.

Have you ever felt embarrassed during a spanking? 

Leave your reply as a comment, and after everyone has had a chance to speak, I will publish a summary of the responses to this topic.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Monday, September 23, 2024

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for September 22

This week we discussed spanking bucket lists.

Mija: Something on my spanking bucket list is doing an immersive school role-play that lasts a weekend or more. I'd like to do it more than once, maybe as both a top and a bottom.

More meta, I'd like to start an image-free (because I'm kinda a prude about seeing p0rn) forum for long-form discussion about (almost) all things spanking and stories.

Something I've done recently is go to a F/M party as a top. It was such a different perspective. Maybe there is some latent switch in here somewhere after all. 

Jack: Interesting question, since my wife/mommy spanks I had to show her this. She said she has filled her bucket list when it comes to spanking me. 

FL: I've always wanted to visit a professional (female) disciplinarian. It's something I've thought about doing for many years but for various reasons was unable to follow through before now. There are two women in the Greater Toronto Area who provide the type of services I'm interested in, so I've narrowed it down to choosing one of them (unless anyone knows of another suitable candidate in the GTA!). To say I'm nervous about it, for all kinds of reasons, is a massive understatement. Anybody have any advice?

FL, that sounds like a brunch question. Stay tuned.

CEM: My bucket...runneth over. Repeat performances? Sure, I'm up for that, and will do so for years to come. But as for anything new or unexperienced, all has been completed. :)

Dan: We haven't been particularly adventurous in this area. The top 2 that actually could happen probably are being spanked outdoors and in a car/RV. A much less likely one would be being spanked in front of a witness.

Wendel: No bucket list for spankings here. We pretty much do the things that have always interested us.

Rosco: I’d like to be spanked by the women’s tennis team at the local university.

Well, that’s a fantasy. I have others and would like to write a book but don’t have time to do it right.

I’ve been spanked in the great outdoors in many places as well as in a tack room at a riding stable. Hotel rooms are fun.

Realistically, Irene and I are close to 70 and our “dates”, roughly weekly, are intensely satisfying. 

Roz: No real bucket list here. 

Ronnie: A spanking party for me. 

Anon1: I have lots of my spanking bucket lists, but I will just give two now. First, I would like to attend a spanking party in Las Vegas. I think it would be amazing to be around so many like minded people where I could indulge in spanking to my heart's content. The second is I would really cherish the opportunity to give Erica Scott a good old fashioned over the knee bare bottom spanking so that she is unable to sit down for a week.

Prefectdt: I have a list of desires, but not a hard and fast Bucket List. I would hate to end my life, cursing because I did not tick off all the things that I had put on a list.

Mark: I would like to be spanked in front of one or two of my wife's friends.

Anon2: I would love a courtroom scene where I stand convicted in front of a jury of 12 women. The sentence would be carried out in that room and witnessed by them.
I’d be stripped of all clothing and secured to a spanking machine device. It would strictly be a punishment spanking with no emotional involvement. A female judge would pass sentence of 100 strokes and the machine would be engaged to deliver each one with a paddle in a very firm , slow steady pace, coveting every inch of my bottom, till completed.
I then would be released but made to stand and present my blistered bottom to the jury for approval. If not met, I’d have to endure another round. 

Barrel: Being whipped with the single tail is as far into our bucket list as I think we will go. I have a fantasy to be secured to our whipping bench and thrashed by my wife’s exercise instructor…but I don’t think my wife could ever go that far.

A.J.: In my list of Well-that-ain't-gonna'-happens is to have never-ever-to-be-forgotten sex with GF while another girl instructs the both of us what to do, how to do it, and encourages us both on to peak performance with her hand or small strap. Both of us wind up exhausted, and smiling with red bottoms! All followed by using that strap and whatever else is handy on the friend to thank her. Really thank her! Three red bottoms on exhausted bodies! Whoo-Hoo!

See? That-ain't-gonna'-happen.

Loki_Darksong: I wouldn't call this a bucket list, I really don't have one. Just an opportunity that I missed out on many years ago and still regret it.

Some years ago during an all-male spanking party one of the guests had a Louisiana Prison Strap. A very impressive and intimidating implement I will say.

I was very curious about it. Unfortunately I didn't go up to him and see to the curiosity. Now if he had come to me I probably would have said yes to trying it out. Sadly that never happened and the party ended with me always wondering about it. That wonders made worse by seeing various videos, M/F, where the strap has been used and used very effectively.

It has been a while since I've attended one of those spanking parties due to the pandemic which has made things rather difficult. However if things change in the future and I do wind up at such a party and there is a top with that strap, I believe that I will take him up on experiencing it

Hermione: I don't currently have a bucket list, so everything on it must have been crossed off.

We discussed this question exactly ten years ago. If you would like to see the responses (including your own, which might be there) click here. Some of the comments are quite interesting.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #558

This weekend heralds the arrival of fall, and with it comes a time for introspection. This is a topic we have discussed before, and the time is right to revisit it.

Do you have a spanking bucket list? Will you share some of the items that are on it? Are there any that you have been able to cross off?

Leave your reply as a comment and I will publish a summary of our discussion once everyone has had a chance to find their lists and check them twice. Everyone is welcome to contribute, so if you haven't joined in a brunch conversation before, now's your chance.


Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Your Morning Coffee

With endless refills, no one will get to work this morning.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Monday, September 16, 2024

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for September 15

How do you think about spanking when not actually engaged in the act? 

Bonnie: I like to write about our special interest when I get time, energy, and motivation..

CEM: Your question was: "Do you read spanking stories, watch videos, fantasize, or do something else?" My answer is....yes. :) 

Betsy: My answer is the same as Chronic Excessive Manliness. 

Norse Cavalier: Read and write stories, occasionally watch videos. There's also some video games made on the subject, mostly on the website AnimeOTK.

Roz: Mostly all in my head, fantasizing. Occasionally reading stories. 

 FL: Mostly just fantasize, occasionally write scenarios for my use only, browse a few blogs for inspiration.

Jack: Over time I have read 'Strict Julie Spanks', she gives a full view of spankings, especially when it is the female giving.

Rosco: Yes to all. It’s great to have so much in the internet. I find, however, that I’m a little fussy in that there’s a lot of stuff I need to just scroll past that doesn’t appeal to me.

With Irene’s permission I did write a story that Miss Jenn Davis then recorded. I was very happy with the way it came out. I have many rich fantasies, all based on real people, that I’d like to flesh out even though I don’t think the audience would be large.

Prefectdt: When I am on a train or in a waiting room, or anything like that, I would rather have a nice little fantasize about spanking, than be a slave to my phone. Watching videos and having those more involved fantasies (the type that might cause a bit of a stir in the trouser department) is reserved for time at home. I used to like to get some real life books about spanking in the past, but since I had problems with a thrombosis in my right eye, staring at predominantly white things for a long time can give me a sort of visual meltdown. So I don't read nearly as much as I used to, kinky or vanilla.

Anon: I do all of the above and more. I also like to listen to spanking podcasts on long drives. I visit antique and thrift shops to search for implements. Over the years I have collected a number of beautiful hairbrushes and paddles. I even found one treasured paddle that is signed by females on one side and males on the other. In addition, I make spanking implements for myself and others, including some well known mistresses. I spend way too much of my waking hours thinking about spanking.   

Barrel: I do them all as well. I have written three stories that I uploaded to Literotica and received favorable comments. It takes a lot to write and even more to proofread and edit. I did this when I was traveling for work, but now being retired, I devote my time and energy elsewhere.

Wendel: If we see a nice bottom passing by we will fantasize about spanking it and then compare notes. 

Mija: Fantasize.

In that order. Sadly for productivity sake, I too often stop at fantasy. 

Hermione: I love the stories in the Library of Spanking Fiction. There's such  wide variety to choose from that I can pick stories that push all the right buttons for me. Fantasizing on the day of a spanking is a must.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #557

It's nearly the end of summer for us in the northern hemisphere, and there's plenty of garden cleanup to be done. After a busy week outdoors, I'm glad to sit down with a cool drink and discuss an aspect of spanking suggested by a regular reader and correspondent.

How do you spend your time thinking about spanking when not actually engaged in the act? Do you read spanking stories, watch videos, fantasize, or do something else?

Please leave your response as a comment, and I'll publish a summary of our discussion in the next post.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart